Careers in Business
Language ability combined with knowledge of business practices, advertising, sales, and services in the target culture are highly marketable skills.

If you plan to work in the business, industry, or commerce field and use your world language skills, consult the career office at Fisher College of Business at OSU for the best course track for your interests, and continue to study world languages at the advanced level, taking advantage of any business-oriented courses that are offered in languages. Fisher offers students many opportunities for Business, Economics, and Marketing majors with advanced language skills. Students from other universities should contact their local career services office.
Also, visit MBA Online for general information useful to current individuals looking to enter or advance a career in business.

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To access GoinGlobal, go to Handshake, then click on Career Center > Resources.
GoinGlobal career and employment resources include world-wide job openings, internship listings, industry profiles and country-specific career information. More than 30,000 pages of constantly-updated content is included on topics such as: work permit/visa regulations, resume writing guidelines and examples, employment trends, salary ranges, networking groups, cultural/interviewing advice, corporate profiles and worldwide job listings... plus much more!