Resources for Graduate Internships

This list was compiled by May Mergenthaler, Ohio State University.

Last revision August 15, 2023.

Languages, Cultures, and Humanities

Internships at Commercial Presses

Internships at Archives and Libraries (U.S. Focus)

Business and Finance Internships

Intelligence and Technology Internships

Germanic Languages and Literatures Internships

Students need to pay for room and board; German citizens receive a „compensation for being abroad“ €450/month, which is not a salary. Students might be eligible to apply for funding from the DAAD or Ohio State University. It is unclear whether US or other non-German citizens would be eligible.

Unpaid internship; students might be eligible to apply for funding from Ohio State University, and possibly the DAAD.

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The DAAD office in New York City regularly posts internship opportunities.

Paid internship ($750/month), German citizens; perhaps also US citizens.

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The society will place you with an employer in Germany, based on your credentials and interests. See list of potential employers.

Should be open to all citizens.

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Probably restricted to U.S. citizens.

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Requires the creation of an internship contract with the student’s university (ask about that possibility!) 

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Various publishers in Germany, Austrian and Switzerland offer editorial internships (Lektorats-Praktikum) and other internships and assistantships as well as longer, full-time traineeships (Voluntariat) that may be of interest after the completion of am MA or Ph.D.

Some German internship providers (e.g. the publishing house Suhrkamp) offer internships only to students in Germany who are required to pursue an internship as part of their Bachelor or MA program.

Learn more about Holtzbrinck Karriere

Learn more about Rowohlt Verlag