Calling all high school juniors!
Interested in learning a world language? Language learning provides students with the intercultural skills that are transferable to living and working in a globalized world. The process of learning a new language teaches you how to communicate with, work with, and understand people from backgrounds different from your own. In fact, intercultural competence is rated among the top skills needed for working in the future.
Join us for Buckeye World Language Day, an intercultural event.
Buckeye World Language Day offers high school juniors who are starting to think of where they'd like to go to college an opportunity to have a first glance at language courses offered to Ohio State students. Parents and students will learn about the transferable skills they acquire by learning a new language as well as scholarships and resources available at OSU for education, service learning, and internships abroad.
Janice Aski, director of the Center for Languages, Literatures and Cultures, will give a presentation about what to expect in terms of courses, advising and navigating the challenges of freshman year. Afterwards, students and their families will have the opportunity to participate in sample lessons in two different languages. There will also be a tour of OSU campus to kick off the day!
All registered participants receive a parking pass, free lunch, gifts, and a chance to win raffle prizes.
Buckeye World Language Day will be on Saturday, February 15th, 2025, from 9:00 AM to 1:30 PM followed by a catered lunch on Ohio State's main campus. Start the day by taking a campus tour from 9:15 to 10 AM.
For questions regarding Buckeye World Language Day, please email cllcprograms@osu.edu.