2019 Huntington International Fellowship Winners Named

Huntington National Bank has pledged over $300,000 to The Ohio State University Campaign in the form of an endowed fund to benefit humanities students interested in international business and foreign languages.
This program is intended to permit students majoring in the humanities with interest and supporting work in international business and trade to spend an extended time abroad to enhance their fluency in the foreign language, their knowledge of the foreign culture, and their understanding of the workings and environment of international commerce.
This year, $19,000 was awarded to six recipients:

Naomi Trotta will be spending five weeks attending the IES Summer Paris Language Immersion Program for French.

Sam Stevens will participate in the Dresden Summer Language program in Germany, studying the language and culture.
Lou Millard will be enhancing her Spanish in Barcelona, Spain for a month this summer.
Annalee Sekulic will spend two months in Moscow, Russia for a Russian-language intensive program.
Andrew Capozzi will also be attending the Dresden Summer Language Program for five weeks in Germany.
Xiaomin Huang will be doing a semester exchange at WHU Koblenz in Germany studying business and German.