CLLC Technology Certificate Graduate

June 27, 2014

CLLC Technology Certificate Graduate

Kip Tobin image

The Center for Languages, Literatures and Cultures recently awarded the CLLC Technology Certificate to Stephen (Kip) Tobin, a PhD candidate in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese. The CLLC Technology Certificate program welcomes Masters and PhD candidates in Languages, Literatures and Cultures to explore cutting-edge technologies for incorporation into a semester-long project including a professional website, classroom activities, technology workshops and a research paper.  Kip created a mind-mapping project for his students in Spanish 2520: Latin American Literature (In translation): Fiction and Realities.  The mind map was created by Kip and then extended by his students to visually represent the novel One Hundred Years of Solitude (1967) by Gabriel García Márquez. His students were each assigned "fragments" of the daunting novel to which they added descriptions, images, leitmotifs and links to other characters to make the novel more approachable.