Mario De Grandis named a 2020-21 Global Arts + Humanities Discovery Theme Graduate Team Fellow

April 22, 2020

Mario De Grandis named a 2020-21 Global Arts + Humanities Discovery Theme Graduate Team Fellow

Mario De Grandis

Mario De Grandis, a graduate student in the Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures, has been named a 2020-21 Global Arts + Humanities Discovery Theme Graduate Team Fellow.

The fellowship brings together a cohort of graduate students whose projects intersect with one or more of the Global Arts + Humanities Discovery Theme focus areas, providing them with an opportunity to gain cross-disciplinary mentorship while being embedded in a collaborative environment. 

De Grandis said receiving the fellowship is rewarding because it shows that his research can contribute to discussions beyond his field of expertise in modern Chinese literature.

The fellowship will support De Grandis’ research in the upcoming year. His dissertation is focused on the post-1940s literature of the largest Chinese Muslim ethnic minority group.