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Loann Crane Advanced Learning Institute Translation & Interpretation Certificate

The Translation and Interpretation Program strives to let students experience the joys, master the challenges, and reap the professional rewards of translation and interpreting. 

The program currently features several initiatives, detailed below.


Translation and Interpretation Certificate (OSU Undergraduates)

• Offers all OSU undergraduate students with intermediate competency in a language other than English the opportunity to earn a Translation and Interpretation (T&I) Certificate (12 credit hours).

• To declare for the T&I Certificate, contact Emily Carpenter (ASC Advising, carpenter.438@osu.edu)


Translation and Interpretation Courses (Undergraduate and Graduate Students)

• Core courses in “Introduction to Professional Translation” (CLLC 5101) and “Introduction to Literary Translation” (CLLC 5102) are offered by the members of the T&I Faculty Working Group at least once every academic year.  

• A T&I capstone practicum course (CLLC 5103) is typically offered every semester.Through a real-world project of their choice, students gain practical experience and professionalize themselves in their specific area of T&I interest under the supervision of designated mentors in on and off-campus settings.

• For more information about the offerings of these courses, contact Prof. Patricia Sieber (DEALL/T&I Director, sieber.6@osu.edu).


Lectures and Workshops Across Languages (Public)

To promote opportunities for students to connect with working T&I scholars and professionals, the Translation and Interpreting Program:

• Collaborates with units across campus to hold lectures, workshops, and conferences to share new perspectives that enrich teaching, research, and learning in Translation and Interpreting.

• To propose or publicize T&I-related lectures and events, please contact Prof. Paul Reitter (GLL/reitter.4@osu.edu) and Prof. Johanna Sellman (NESA/sellman.13@osu.edu). 


T&I Newsletter (Public)

For all the latest T&I events and features, sign up for our e-newsletter “WordWise” (published every two to three weeks during fall and spring semesters). Archived issues featuring students with interests in T&I across many different languages are also available.