Spring 2025 Hours
Monday: 9 AM - 5 PM
Tuesday: 9 AM - 6 PM
Wednesday: 9 AM - 8 PM
Thursday: 9 AM - 6 PM
Friday: 9 AM - 6 PM
The center is closed for all university holidays.
Send an email to iilc@osu.edu if you have any questions.

About the Distance and E-Learning Center
Distance learning technology is playing an increasingly important role in higher education. With the demand for online courses and costs for travel and other resources growing, universities are discussing ways in which to enhance their distance and online offerings. The Center for Languages, Literatures and Cultures (CLLC) has taken an active role in the area of distance learning in world languages through the facilities of the World Media and Culture Center and through the expertise of our technology staff.
The CLLC works with faculty and departments wishing to offer distance learning courses and provides assistant in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of these courses or programs. ASC staff can help develop short-term or longer-term videoconferencing sessions, arrange for webinar software for classes or meetings using Adobe Connect, and train faculty and GTAs in the use of these and other technologies. For more information please contact CLLC director Janice Aski.
The AT&T Distance and E-learning Center houses the individualized programs for six languages: Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Korean, and Russian, as well as online courses in French, German, and Russian.
Individualized programs offer self-paced, mastery-based language learning courses designed to mirror the content of courses offered in the classroom. Each course is the equivalent in content and in credit hours to the classroom-track course at the same level.
Individualized courses are based on the following principles:
- Mastery-based language learning: Because of the highly independent nature of individualized language learning all students must perform at a 75% or 80% level or better (depending on the language) to continue in the program.
- Variable credit: One complete course is generally worth four credit hours. In the classroom, these 4 hours would be completed in one 14-week semester. Students in individualized programs have the option of completing a course in one semester or in spreading these four credit hours over several semesters. Students who wish to progress more quickly can enroll for more than the four credit hours.
- One-on-one instruction: All instruction in the IILC is done on a one-on-one basis, thus allowing the instructor to focus on your individual needs and questions.
- Flexible scheduling: Students in individualized instruction use an online scheduling program.
- Student autonomy: Individualized instruction allows students to be in charge of their own learning in a variety of ways: scheduling required appointments, determining the number of credit hours for a given semester, deciding when to take tests and quizzes, and organizing their own learning.
What types of students are successful in I.I.?
Based on more than forty years of experience with individualized instruction, we have observed that students who succeed in I.I.
- Are independent and well-organized
- Know how to manage their time
- Have experienced success in their world language study
- Are motivated to learn the language
- Like one-on-one learning
- Need or want a flexible schedule
- Are good at making and keeping deadlines
You might find the following links helpful in organizing your studying and for finding helpful hints for learning—both studying in general and studying world languages in particular. Additionally, OSU’s Yonkin Success Center (http://younkinsuccess.osu.edu/) offers a variety of services. You might find the resources of the Walter E. Dennis Learning Center particularly useful as well.(http://dennislearningcenter.osu.edu/)
Time Management and Planning
- Tips to Help You Manage Your Time
- Time Management Skills
- Create a Calendar to Help You Organize Your Time
- Goal Setting