Tercero catecismo y exposicion de la doctrina christiana por sermones. Para que los curas y otros ministros prediquen y enseñen á los indios y á las demás personas: conforme a lo que se roveyó en el Santo Concilio Provincial de Lima el año pasado de 1583. Lima, Perú: En la Oficina de la Calle de San Jacinto, 1773.
Originally published in 1585, this volume includes thirty-one sermons written to help traveling preachers teach native Andean speakers about Catholic faith and doctrine in their own language. The 1585 edition was trilingual, presenting each sermon in Spanish, Quechua, and Aymara; but this later 18th-century version only presents the texts in Spanish and Quechua. The author of this collection is unknown, but some scholars have attributed it to José de Acosta (ca. 1540-1600), the renowned Spanish Jesuit missionary and naturalist best known for his book, Historia natural y moral de las Indias (Sevilla, 1590), in which he offers readers a broad overview of the natural history of the New World. This book is just one of numerous items in The Ohio State University’s Rare Books & Manuscripts Library related to indigenous literature and Mesoamerican and Andean history, language, and culture that together provide students and scholars with a valuable resource for teaching and research.