

hawaiian sign language

Hawaii Sign Language Found to be Distinct Language

HONOLULU (AP) — Linguists say they have determined that a unique sign language, possibly dating back to the 1800s or earlier, is being used in Hawaii, marking the first time in 80 years a…

ancient text

Ancient Languages Reconstructed by Computer Program

A new tool has been developed that can reconstruct long-dead languages.Researchers have created software that can rebuild protolanguages - the ancient tongues from which our modern languages…

Children learning

Second Language Learning

While education research has long suggested that studying second languages in K12 schools boosts student achievement in other content areas, the current testing emphases on mathematics and reading…


How Speaking a Second Language Can Help Your Career

As a young adult preparing to enter the professional world upon graduation, the ability to speak a second language is a great skill. From social media to participating in a globalized economy,…

Tracing the origins of Indo-European Languages

Tracing the Origins of Indo-European Languages

A new study suggests that the sprawling Indo-European family of languages originated in Anatolia, or modern-day Turkey.

Researchers studied the evolution of words across 103 modern and…