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My wife is Colombian, I grew up in Germany, and I now work in Philadelphia. As I like to joke, that gives me three good reasons to know a language other than English. But the truth is, recent…

WASHINGTON — The number of people in the United States who speak a language other than English at home has nearly tripled in the past three decades, far outpacing overall population growth, new U.…

Here's another example of how the Kinect works great as a low-cost Swiss Army Knife for human and computer interaction: the multicamera device reads sign language like a champ. Dreamed up by…

As its name indicates, this classroom-from its design to the selection of furniture and technology-is designed to encourage and facilitate cooperative, collaborative learning between and among…

A two-year tribal college in Lawton, Okla., is using technology to reinvigorate the Comanche language before it dies out.

Two faculty members from Comanche Nation College and Texas Tech…

The Foreign Language Center is pleased to announce the NSEP Boren Undergraduate Study Abroad Award for 2013-2014. Nathaniel Henry, a double major in Geographic Information…

Many indigenous languages alive in Mexico today don't have formal written systems, but a growing number of computer-savvy young people want to Facebook and tweet in their native tongue. Read…

HONOLULU (AP) — Linguists say they have determined that a unique sign language, possibly dating back to the 1800s or earlier, is being used in Hawaii, marking the first time in 80 years a…

A new tool has been developed that can reconstruct long-dead languages.Researchers have created software that can rebuild protolanguages - the ancient tongues from which our modern languages…